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Our contact channels

here is our list of channels for you to be served in the best way possible.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
10 AM – 7 PM

E-mail | whatsapp
(21) 9.9988-0602

contact me

    Read our FAQ before sending us a message.

    Yes, we work with packages, we set up a specific package to suit each customer, always taking into account 3 points:

    • Understand your real need;
    • Capture your style and specifications;
    • From super simple to the most complex and crazy projects.

    Yes, all our services are provided with an invoice, following all the fiscal regulation of fiscal monetary regulation in force in the country of operation

    Deadlines tend to vary according to the job specification, taking into account the time of the briefing with your confirmation until the moment of the first delivery, before any review and conclusion.

    The term average for simple jobs are from 6 hrs to 30 hrs, in cases it can be immediate delivery for an additional charge for urgency

    To help, here’s what a good design summary includes:

    • Your Brand and Business

    A quick 2-3 sentence summary is perfect.

    • Target Audience

    Here you can say something like: “Men and women aged between 25 and 40 looking for outdoor adventures”.

    • Stylistic Preferences

    This is where you can actually describe the visual style you want to achieve with your design request. Whether you want something artistic and bold or sophisticated and minimalist, this is your chance to inform designers.

    • Colors

    Define specific colors? Choose the color palette. Alternatively, let designers choose which colors work best for their brand by selecting the multi-colored ‘ Let designers make suggestions ‘ palette.

    • Sample Images

    Trust us, one of the best ways to inform and to inspire your designers is to provide images of other designs that you like. We think there are 2 good ways to do this.

    Uploading images for your briefing. And for logo contests, selecting sample logos and providing a written explanation of why you selected each will lead designers in the right direction.

    • Something else ?

    If you have any special requests or comments, please add this information in the last briefing box.

    Now you’re ready to get a design you love!

    The availability is made during the production until the delivery of your project, due to the great demand of projects and customers, we follow a strict schedule of projects and customer service, the projects can be rushed according to a schedule availability of the designer or an urgent request generates a modification in the schedule charging you a considerable fee to be attended promptly.

    This is how it works… 

    1. We receive your briefing, it is told by one of our team members and answered with a value, day and time expected for the project to start.

    2. Upon receipt of the budget response email, the client must pay 50% of the full project fee to start the project.

    3. After dropping the account value the delivery period starts for your project.

    4. Your support is exclusively during the entire production of your project, except for packages, when contracting time packages and deliveries will be combined in a fully personalized way.